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Boot Camp: Behind the Scenes, Navigating Challenges in the Porno

Boot Camp: Behind the Scenes, Navigating Challenges in the Porno


all right I think we're gonna have to  call it ladies yes okay so what's going  on right now is we have a before a brand  new performer in there that's having a  hard time getting hard right now we've  all had to leave the room because he  needs to be able to focus it's just  wasting people's time if he can't get  hard within the next let's say 10  minutes you're out  getting in the adult industry can be  very very intimidating you can get a  little bit of stage fright and sometimes  guys dicks don't work it can be hard to  control that because the COG has a mind  of its own when you're a fan and you  read the porno bootcamp  synopsis it's very intimidating who's  running the set who's controlling the  mood it's Samantha  Sam is the reason I'm I'm here if it  wasn't for Sam I wouldn't be in this  game she she does one a lot in expects a  lot from us being a hard tough love kind  of person she's a hardcore she's a  brutal businesswoman and I'm like I got  to do then it comes down to it  we're making movies here it just has  stunts with your involved well I am  Samantha Mac we are in my first porno 


Meet the Talent: The day Before Boot Camp


studio we have the classic double-ended  dildo this has been used in many a film  especially when your stepdads yelling at  you I am a film producer if anybody  important to us but really I'm a smut  peddler yes I've been trying to create a  porn industry in Canada I learned really  quickly shooting a couple mainstream  scenes that just because you have sex  under the covers with the lights off  does not mean you know how to have sex  so we developed that into this program  called porno boot camp now it's my  business it's amazing and I love it and  now when somebody comes here to shoot I  can say yeah I've got three guys who can  all leave this scene well and they get  put into categories and this guy do VR  can he do POV I take off my jacket  Oh God have you seen the traditional  casting they're horrible yeah tomorrow  we're gonna be shooting another porn up  at camp  the girls have to pick the partner their  goal is to eliminate the men get them to  ejaculate as quickly as possible before  the time's up  they get eliminated you're out of the  game you couldn't control your erection  you couldn't control your ejaculation  you're out of here  the men's job is to ignore whatever  stimuli is in front of them  after the eight-minute mark a big buzzer  goes off the guy who can come closest to  that buzzer will win the big prize men  having to serve women.




hasn't been done  in casting couch form before it's new  territory and it's exciting and we  always tell guys it's super easy get in  get hurt get off get out super simple  but it's not really    oh that's a heavy set I'm a  get my dick sucks  I work out six days a week at least I've  learned that working out before sex  scene it ruins your testosterone you get  a smaller shot it's harder to stay  hard so if I'm working out it's the day  before and that's it in a normal scene  if you're getting too excited you can  you can pull out and do other things  during the scene to calm yourself down  but tomorrow's scene is totally  different where the women have all the  control come when I say stay hard that's  it in that order and it's it is  difficult as you can imagine that's  honestly where all this came from  evolving from the girl casting couch -  wait a sec I actually need guys and I  need guys who can perform up against  some of the top women in the industry so  we need to train them we have Taylor  Thicke coming tomorrow he has done to  pour abou calves with us he has come  early both times    at first I was like ah hell just think  of stuff that's not sexy but that  started to work against me when I've  started to do is focus on momentum  hey I seem like a train going but  there's no beginning or end it's  abstract I feel like I should be drawing  that I would say right now I'm at like a  point five of experience in a sliding  scale of one to ten I just hope that I  get included into the roster at Mack  models that would be this ultimate like  seal of approval from Sam the guy has a  beautiful tool he has a giant thick  if you knew how to use it it would be so  awesome my first audition she explained  like please don't come on the floor  actually funny enough gum was all over  the floor  hopefully I last over eight minutes  tomorrow  perfect that's cute    next in our level of experience is  Spaniard Spaniard is 51 years old all meat need about eight chicken  breasts a day eight hard-boiled eggs a  day two protein shakes three protein  shakes a day yeah sure the other guys  are younger it does run in my back of my  head you know  51 so how many years do I  have  can I put into this industry so I wish I  was younger things that can go wrong is  not a great shot meaning it's a  small load it doesn't shoot out it just  dribbles out for example that would be  very disappointing for me a guy not be  able to come on time every time it's not  a bad thing but it does shake a guy yes  Sam has poisoned us because I messed up  a few seats a while back several months  ago and this will actually be my first  time back one of the scenes might a  little bit sideways we didn't finish the  scene and he stayed in his head for a  while after that and happened again and  again so now he's coming back up like a  phoenix rising from the ashes  I'm gonna prove to Sam that I am still  in the game I can see I can see I can  still perform when somebody has failed  on sets it's so hard to come back if  this is too hard for you when it's fun  and it's whimsical then it you don't  want to go any further even a pro in  this situation might not make it    


Performance Under Pressure: Boot Camp Start


we want you all to feel respected valued  on the shoot and have a positive  experience we want make a good product  we want to have fun if you're not having  fun talking about it that's it all right  ladies get dressed gentlemen play with  your ding-dongs and we're gonna do some  stills in the other room very shortly so  what I'm using right now is a pump  the pump is your weight machine for  your dick is a big dick a big deal yes I  don't have a monster Kong but I'm I can  perform I have a user-friendly dick for  the ladies it might be a little bit of a  jealousy between some of the other  performers if it's a guy having a bigger  dick guy having a better come load they  all have to deal with it in their own  way and get past that to perform for the  camera so I can't express enough how  important it is that we don't come on  the carpet because I'm not seen feeding  after this good luck to all of you  timer lady you tell us what already    we're showing textual apertures like  real people who are just like I got a  dick want to use it but we don't tell  people that we don't tell them that your  boobs are too big or your dick is too  small we see if you have skills and so  the viewer now feels like he has a  chance that carrot dangling in front of  them that makes it a little bit more  exciting good tailor Taylor's gonna go  get their most obscene there's a  feminine aspect to it the female being  in power and the men having to prove  themselves is a huge fetish you're  learning these skills at their base  level and it's a much safer environment  to find it up now than being on a big  set with tons of people looking at you  and if you don't perform no one gets  paid that's so much pressure so we  created this way where yeah you're gonna  fail and it's gonna be okay it's fun  watching a group of women laughing not  necessarily add a guy but at the  situation yeah we're good at 9 minutes  and 29 seconds Taylor Thicke you get to  go home with an Atari gaming system is  great yeah i won I had a time of nine  minutes and 29 seconds I could tell that  Sam was proud of me you know training  has worked out Taylor thick we joked  about how he should just stay flaccid  for the first eight minutes and then  when he hears the buzzer somebody should  get him off cuz he comes so quickly  right which is exactly what happens  study was not really nervous today  that's normal Spaniard like he'll put on  his headphones he'll stand the corner by  himself but he looks great he looked  twenty his younger than he is in terms  of who impressed me the most because I'm  running the gaff his shreds because he  made the girl  sure has Caesar go to you guys right ah  gentlemen you are all wrapped you're  amazing get up this is a weird career  choice  it's a weird hobby porn sex isn't sex  it's this artistic choreographed routine  for the camera why would you look this  way doesn't the person here that's  strange.


My mom always said I would be a teacher Here when I hear this warm line it would  never happen my grandma was a teacher  and so on and so forth and I swear I  would never be like them but in the end  I love the teaching aspect of it inside  like my heart is just so big you don't  have to hit this big of a giant heart  behind it right I really enjoy that we  get to know each these people know who  we met out of the blue and coax them  into something that's really fun it's  fun